I previous blogged about an incident in which a young lady came into the animal shelter carrying a gun on her hip as a means of intimidation to get her dog released. We are seeing more incidents of public intimidation as people carry AR-15s to protests. The worst part of that intimidation is that people are looing for an excuse to shoot someone.
We are entering a world of gunfighters; people going from town to town to stir up trouble and test their shooting skills against other gunfighters. This world is also becoming short tempered. We are seeing more and more incidents of aggressive behavior on our roads and in our shopping malls. Unfortunately, people with short tempers are the first ones to purchase a handgun.
I recently saw a You Tube video in which a guy claims he saw the guy in the next car with a gun, when the car pulled in front of him, He started shooting at the passing car. He clearly wasn’t smart enough to realize that his own windshield was in the way. People who shoot out their own windshields should not be allowed to own guns.
Anger, self-entitlement, and guns don’t mix. As part of any animal shelter disaster plan, your staff needs to know in advance as to how to act in an active shooter in your shelter. Develop a relationship with your local law enforcement so that they become familiar with the layout of your shelter. We live in troubling times and you need to prepare for it.