Social media has created a new generation of people eager to get their fifteen minutes of fame; no matter how stupid they have too look to get it. They take videos of them licking items in the grocery store and even licking toilet seats in airplane lavatories. Social media has shown us just how stupid people can behave and they put it out for the whole world to see. How dumb can you get.
There is something very reckless with this group of people, even dangerous; only to gain a small portion of notoriety. We are witnessing the birth of a generation that has become unable to control their natural instincts; a clear proof that evolution has failed us.
The reason that I mention this is that you may be inviting volunteers into your shelter looking to be a social media sensation; he or she is on the constant lookout for something (anything) to receive social media notoriety. These folks will see something in the shelter and instead of brining it to staff’s attention will likely post it on social media. Let’s face it, some of your volunteers will use the relationship they have with their shelter to gain social media fame or to push their own agenda.